The RPS (ROV Pilot+Supervisor) course was designed for professionals in the
recreational and sport diving. Thanks to the seriousness of our training and to
technologies used, the candidate will be able to obtain the preparation and the
necessary skills for supervising diving activities.
Our training is divided into two phases: the online theory and the practical part. The use of
ROV simulator will facilitate learning and safety procedures to come later
applied with the ROV vehicle.
The RPS course is an essential safety tool for diving professionals
sports, diving centers and schools.
The use of the ROV vehicle allows you to maintain constant eye contact with the
divers, both to improve their technique and to manage the emergency.
Duration: 3 days (1 day of theory, 2 days of practice)
Level: Recreational/Sport Diving Professional (Certified)
Price on request
Documents notified at the end of the course: RPS certificates received from Eco-Line France
ROV vehicle: observation class equipped with sonar and manipulator